Housing News

December 8, 2022
On December 8, the Baker Administration awarded $93.4 million to build 790 homes in 14 communities. The award included $29.4 million in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Governor Baker announced the awards as part of a housing roundtable discussion, which included CHAPA’s CEO Rachel Heller, about the Baker-Polito Administration’s progress in expanding access to housing in Massachusetts over the past eight years.
December 5, 2022
CHAPA is hiring an additional Municipal Engagement Program Associate. The Municipal Engagement Program Associate will work to build support for affordable housing production and bolster efforts to expand housing opportunities at the local level in communities across the Commonwealth. Please find more details and how to apply on our Jobs Board posting. Applications are due by January 6, 2023.
December 5, 2022
Governor-Elect Maura Healey and Attorney General-Elect Andrea Campbell named two members of CHAPA’s staff to their transition teams. Rachel Heller, CEO, will serve on the Healey-Driscall transition. Eric Shupin, Director of Public Policy, will work on Campbell’s transition. Heller and Shupin will advise the incoming Governor and Attorney General, respectively, on affordable housing policy as they prepare to take office in January.  
November 28, 2022
On November 18th, Governor Baker filed a Supplemental budget H.5394 to provide housing and other necessary services for refugees and migrants. The arrival of refugees and migrants from countries like Afghanistan, Haiti, Venezuela, and Ukraine has led to increased demand for emergency shelters in Massachusetts. The Governor proposes establishing a reserve of $130 million through the supplemental budget for increased shelter capacity, healthcare costs, and services across all state agencies responding to the increased need. 
November 23, 2022
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released its Compliance Model for estimating the key zoning metrics required under Section 3A of the Zoning Act, which requires communities served by the MBTA to have at least one reasonably sized zoning district where multifamily housing is allowed by-right. 
November 10, 2022
On November 10, Governor Baker signed the Economic Development Bill into law. The Legislature sent the Governor a final bill on November 2, after months of delay following the end of the legislative session this summer. The Governor vetoed only $1.1 million from the $3.76 billion bill and several outside sections. The Governor left in place all the affordable housing related spending and policy sections in the bill. This includes:
November 3, 2022
We are pleased to announce that CHAPA is currently seeking additional communities on a rolling basis for our MEI Lite Program, a lighter touch program of our Municipal Engagement Initiative, that will help to set communities up for coalition building efforts on their own.
November 3, 2022
On November 2, a final Economic Development Bill (H.5374) emerged from its conference committee in the state Legislature. Uncertainty caused by an obscure tax rebate law triggered by stronger-than-expected tax collections delayed the bill's progress since the end of formal legislative sessions on July 31, 2022. The conference committee presented a slimmed down Economic Development Bill compared to the versions passed earlier this year by the House and Senate. The final bill dropped certain tax relief proposals and any capital spending approvals.
October 21, 2022
On October 21, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) posted revisions to the MBTA Zoning Guidelines regarding inclusionary zoning requirements.
October 20, 2022
On October 20, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) announced that the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) will begin covering last month's rent starting on November 1, 2022.

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