Housing News

September 18, 2023
Earlier this year, the House and Senate each passed tax relief legislation. Included in the Senate version was an increase in the authorization for the state’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program by $20 million for a total allocation of $60 million, and a provision to make the program permanent. This provision was not included by the House. 
September 15, 2023
CHAPA applauds the additional guidelines issued by the Administration to the MBTA Multi-family zoning law (3A) that adds thirteen state funding programs communities will be eligible for upon achieving compliance under the 3A law. The additional guidelines also allow communities to offset the minimum multifamily unit capacity in certain mixed-use zoning districts that require first-floor commercial space.  
August 29, 2023
On August 8th, Governor Healey declared a state of emergency and issued a call to action to expand resources for shelter, housing, and services for the more than 5,000 families now in the state's emergency shelter system.
August 22, 2023
On August 17th, the Healey Administration issued additional guidelines to the MBTA Multi-family zoning law (3A). The guidelines add 13 state funding programs that MBTA communities will be eligible for upon achieving compliance and allow MBTA communities the option to require ground-floor commercial space in multi-family buildings in up to 25% of their multi-family districts. Because commercial requirements can drive up the cost of housing production and make projec
August 17, 2023
The Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless (MCH), Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (MLRI), and the undersigned organizations support the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s efforts to expand resources for shelter, housing, and other resources for families experiencing homelessness in Massachusetts. We affirm the Administration’s commitment to preserving access to the Commonwealth’s Emergency Assistance family shelter system for all eligible families with children.
August 9, 2023
Governor Healey signed the Fiscal Year 2024 budget, a $56 billion budget with increased investments in rental assistance programs, and vetoes on other critical priorities. 
August 2, 2023
On July 31st, the House and Senate passed a roughly $56 billion dollar budget (H.4040) for fiscal year 2024 which began on July 1st. The Legislature has also passed a second interim budget to continue the government payroll and operations through August while Governor Healey reviews the FY2024 budget. 
June 14, 2023
On June 5th, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced housing vouchers to address homelessness among people in unsheltered settings and in rural communities across U.S. HUD is awarding $45 Million for 3,379 Stability Vouchers to 135 public housing authorities and partnering Continuum of Care (CoC) communities across the United States.
June 13, 2023
On June 8th, the Committee on Senate Ways & Means unveiled its proposal for a Tax relief bill S.2397 An Act to improve the Commonwealth’s competitiveness, affordability, and equity. This bill includes raising the state's Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program authorization by $20 million for a total annual allocation of $60 million.
June 8, 2023
CHAPA is now seeking candidates for our next Director of Public Policy and Fair Housing and Municipal Engagement Program Associate. Please see each job posting for more details.

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