Whitney Demetrius headshot

Whitney Demetrius

Director of Fair Housing and Municipal Engagement

Whitney Demetrius is the Director of Fair Housing and Municipal Engagement at Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) where she has worked since 2018. She previously worked as the Deputy Director of the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston.

As the Director of Fair Housing and Municipal Engagement, Whitney works with communities, providing technical assistance in their pursuit of affordable housing production and preservation, expanding housing choice, fostering welcoming communities, and bolstering community engagement efforts. In her role, she seeks to impact systemic change through public participation and the creation of local diverse, and sustainable affordable housing coalitions, that work to create healthy, equitable, affordable, and vibrant communities. She seeks to change local conversations, to empower those most impacted by a lack of affordable housing and elevate pro voices within the space.

In addition to the local efforts, she helps to ensure fair housing in all CHAPA’s programs, legislative priorities, as well as work in coordination with other agencies in the field. She is responsible for directing CHAPA’s Fair Housing Committee to strategically identify areas of statewide policies and practices that promote equal and fair access to housing opportunities. She has a passion for housing and social justice, as her own life experiences have been affected by housing across the spectrum and she brings that intentionality and energy to her work. Whitney serves as a Board Member for the Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation as well as Board Member for Metro Housing Boston. In 2023 she was recognized with the Metro Housing Boston ‘Rising Star’ Housing Champion award for her passion and commitment to housing.