CT Connecticut Housing Coalition 30 Jordan Lane Wethersfield, CT 06109Betsy Crum 860-563-2943 Fax: 860-529-5176www.ct-housing.org ME Maine Affordable Housing Coalition c/o Avesta Housing 307 Cumberland Avenue Portland, ME 04101Greg Payne 207-553-7777 x211 Fax: 207-553-7778www.mainehousingcoalition.org MA Citizens' Housing and Planning Association One Beacon Street, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02108Carol Marine (cmarine@chapa.org) 617-742-0820www.chapa.org NH Housing Action NH c/o Margolin Consulting 110 Wibird Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-828-5916Elissa Margolinwww.housingactionnh.org RI Housing Action Coalition of Rhode Island 1070 Main Street Pawtucket, RI 02860www.housingactionri.org VT VT Affordable Housing Coalition 275 Northgate Road Burlington, VT 05408Erhard Mahnke 802-660-9484 Fax: 802-859-9540www.vtaffordablehousing.org