Establishing a Local Emergency Rental Assistance Program Virtual Training

Hosted by
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020

Boston, MA 02108
United States


Many local communities are looking for ways to respond to the urgent housing needs of their community in response to COVID-19 and are considering utilizing CPA funds, Housing Trust funds, or other local resources to do so.

Join CHAPA and MHP for a virtual session on "Establishing a Local Emergency Rental Assistance Program". We will hear from experts on how to determine the needs, what resources you can utilize such as CPA and Trust funds, how to develop and implement a local Emergency Rental Assistance program, best practices, and how legislative efforts at the state level such as the Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium and statewide resources such as RAFT may impact your local efforts.

Speakers will include (others may be added):

Please Download the Zoom app before the meeting time.

  • The Zoom application may need to be downloaded to your computer or phone in order to join the meeting. If you have not downloaded the Zoom app already, go to the registration confirmation or click here to register for the Zoom meeting and click on "download & run zoom" to download the app. 
  • Kindly be ready with the app installed before the meeting start time so we are all ready to start on time and cover as much content as possible.
  • Want to Call-in only? Dialing info below:
    • Enter the dialing number followed by meeting ID:
      • Dial-in: +1 929 205 6099
      • Meeting ID: 973-4295-4949
    • Note: You will need a password in order to join this meeting. A password will be included in your registration confirmation.

Please contact Dana LeWinter with any questions about this event.

Register for the event